Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our Story - Part One

I'm not sure if this is going to be a good idea or not, but I've decided to share the story of the journey Jeff and I have taken to get us to this point on the road to expanding our family by one. I hate to say, starting a family, because I feel like Jeff and I are a family even though it's just the two of us (plus several 4 legged friends).

Jeff and I were married May 25, 2002, and about a year and a half later we decided to start trying to have a baby. Just for time references, let's just say it was around October 2003 (yes that's around the time Jeff turned 30). So we waited....and waited....and waited....and waited. At first I started to get a little obsessed, then decided I needed a distraction, so I went on a health kick. Started eating better, joined a gym, started running again, and it was during this time that I found my yoga.

Finally in January of 2005 I thought I felt a little weird for a few days. I won't go into the gory details, but when I finally took a pregnancy test it was positive. Jeff and I were so excited, and nervous, and scared all at once. Unfortunately one of the big things I remember about that time was the HUGE fight over "the yoga". As previously mentioned it is in a hot room, and Jeff was ADAMANTLY against me continuing the practice while I was pregnant. I was actually really surprised at how passionately he felt about it, a complete 180 from the way he felt about it before. I gave in, mainly because after trying to talk with; one - the OBGYN about it (I actually never talked to her, only her nurse. She refused to discuss the issue with me at all, just had her nurse call, and of course she wouldn't see me until I was 8 weeks), and two - the group of mid-wives we decided to go with when I fired the above mentioned doctor, everyone was in agreement that it was too hot.

In the end, at 7 weeks we had a miscarriage.

Six months later Jeff had graduated from nursing school and we had moved to the Woodlands (just outside of Houston).

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