Most of these classes have been pretty smooth sailing. There is the occasional hiccup in class like the same teacher 2 days in a row,
(when class is ssooo structured with the same poses etc, the teacher is the only having the same one twice isn't something I prefer....of course there are much worse things in the world.....famine, disease....but I digress)
having demonstrations in class,
(come on already lets get going with the rest of the might sounds weird to some but I don't want to get too cooled off....and that's not a hot yoga joke ;) )
things of that nature. These sort of things bothers me in class, but not enough where I remember after the class is over.
Last night's class sticks out from the classes of late. First, I put off class until the absolute last minute. The last class of the day starts at 8:15. All evening, after I got home from work, I had an on-going mental conversation with myself about what class to go to, or even if I should take the day off. That is actually possible, but then you have to do 2 classes in one day to catch up, YUCK! It was touch and go all evening until about 7:55 when I get a text from my mom telling me she worked out earlier and felt so great!
WELL CRAP!!! I had pretty much convinced myself to NOT go to class. Then I made the mistake of texting her back telling her I needed inspiration to get myself to yoga...and of course she was happy to oblige. At this point I felt that I should go to class....getting there with about 5 minutes to spare.
I walk in the door practically stomping like a sullen child and mumble something about how its a miracle that I'm they are supposed to kiss my boots because I dained to show up to class.
One of my saving graces was when I saw Kristen was teaching the class...yeah!!
Of course at the end of class I was extremely proud of myself for getting there. But that was after having to use HERCULEAN SIZE focus and determination not to slap the lady next to me who COULD NOT stay still! It didn't matter if we were in a posture or between postures, she was twisting and turning and wiping and touching her face and stretching and swaying her hips, etc, etc. And in the grumpy mood I was in because I HAD to come to class it was SSSOOO hard to relax! I finally did and let go as much as I could. I totally understand and (most of the time) have empathy for newer people who aren't used to the heat or the structure of the class, but last night the amount of empathy I had could have fit on the head of a pin.
By the floor series I could tune her out for the most part. And as I mentioned, at the end of class I was glad I went (mainly because that meant I didn't have to do a double at a later date ;) )
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