Thursday, December 13, 2012

Good-Bye Mary Jane

In an earlier post I mentioned how we lost our oldest dog Sam. A couple of weeks after we brought Riley home we also lost the next oldest dog, Mary Jane. She had been sick for a few months and loosing weight. She would be fine and then would obviously feel bad, this happened off and on for several months.

Finally one day we came home and went to let the dogs inside, she did not immeduately come, which was a sign she was not feeling well again. I went to check on her and she was laying on the dog bed on the patio. One pupil was larger than the other, she had peed on herself and thrown up as well. It was a sad and scarey sight.

Jeff took her to the vet and they decided it was best to let her go. Jeff said this time he wasn't crying or didn't feel as bad, though he did not go into the room with her as he did with Same. (Mary Jane was more my favorite than his). All was well until the vet tech came back to tell him it was done. With Sam they made a mold of a paw print and sent it to us in the mail. This time the vet tech began talking with another and mentioned she thought they might be out of clay to make the mold......and apparently that was what finally broke poor Jeff. He said he started blubbering like a baby, the other pet owners in the waiting room told them they had to go out and buy more. Jeff said he was so pathetic they probably did it right then.

We did get her paw print mold in the mail a short time later.

When I texted my mom what happened she texted back the sweetest thing and said that Mary Jane taught her to love dogs. Makes me tear uo even now thinking of that!

When we would go to the dog park Mary Jane would completely ignore the other dogs and go get as much attention from the other dog owners as she could get....she was pretty smart!

Good-bye Mary Jane, you were the sweetest, lick-iest, people lovin'-ist dog I ever met.

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