The yoga studio I go to has something called the 60-Day Challenge. You take 60 classes in 60 days, which is hopefully 1 class a day for 2 months. When you are done you get to sign the studio wall, say a few words, get a t-shirt and get your picture taken for their Facebook page.
People do this challenge for a variety of reasons, I did one close to 8 years ago, and needless to say my signature on the wall has faded.
M is due sometime at the end of October or beginning of November, which is a little more than 2 months away. I had been thinking about doing the challenge during this time, but hadn't completely made up my mind yet.
M has asked both Jeff and I to be in the delivery room with her when R is born. Just as a side note because I think it's cute, she said she thought hard about if she would ask Jeff to be in the room as well, but decided him being a nurse took the weirdness out of it. Any-who, back to the topic at hand. It came up while we were talking about the delivery room that, of course, Jeff has seen an actual delivery but I have not. M asked me to watch the TV show A Baby Story so I would have a better idea of what it was all about. She seems to be a little worried that it will be to intense for me and I'll freak out. I know I'm not going to freak out, and I plan on saying that to her (even after I watched several episodes of the show). But I'm not sure that will convince her.
So to bring this all full circle, some might not see the connection between doing this challenge and my comments just above, but for me there is. Actions speak louder than words, and this is my action to show her just how committed I am to this adoption and no matter what happens in that delivery room I am going to be fine. Not sure if anyone will get this connection, but I hope she does. I'm dedicating this challenge to our possible adoption triad.
So on that note, today was day 1 of the challenge. I took the noon class with the yoga instructor Carlos. It was a great class, though I must confess I got a little winded during the standing series. Probably because for various reasons I have cut down on the number of yoga classes I have been taking a week so my stamina has least that's what I'm telling myself.
So stay tuned to my daily yoga reports! Stay hydrated my friends (note: this is not a jab at anyone, you know who you are, this is because it's HOT yoga and I'm sweating my ass off and the classes are so much nicer when I actually have fluids to sweat out and keep me cool)