This past week, most days were good days. Teeth brushed, walks and vitamins taken, patience mostly maintained. But there was one day where, looking back, it really felt like Riley was screaming, crying or upset about something for most of the day. That night, after he was asleep I scoured the internet looking for ways to deal with these outbursts. Because by 5:00, if the screaming and crying persist, I am usually at a total loss as to how to handle them.
That night I found several websites with suggestions, the one that was the most intriguing was basically acknowledging what he is feeling. That's it, nothing to add. So yesterday morning when he started screaming because I wouldn't let him play with a pair of scissors, I said something like "You are frustrated because you can't play with they scissors", I might have added something else along the lines of not wanting him to get hurt. The amazing part was, that totally diffused the situation. He immediately stopped crying and we went on with something else. A similar situation happened this morning during breakfast, I acknowledged what I thought he was feeling, and it again diffused the situation. Now if this continues to work, we will have to wait and see.
Decorating With Pooh
Chronicling Our Growing Family
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
In A Blogger State of Mind
Yep, it's been awhile. No excuses, but have decided to start bloggin' again. Some days there are just too many cookery, quirky, hilarious things Riley Bear does not to record them. And I've come to realize sometimes I just need a place to vent endless rambling a about not very important things.
Today was a good day. Was able to get my teeth brushed and flossed, not able to take my vitamins, but did go on a nice 30 minute stroller walk with Riley after dinner.
As I was walking I realized I have missed my blog and was considering continuing my miscarriage history stories. The last one I wrote about was #4, so one of these days I'll write about 5, 6 and 7.
We are now in the process of trying to adopt again. All of our paperwork is in and we have even had a couple of calls with an expectant mom and another who had given birth the evening before. Jeff was able to talk to the first & and talked with the second. Good practice and reminds me that I need to have my questions and thoughts written out on a paper that I keep with me at all times. Slowly but surely we are getting the 3rd bedroom ready for baby #2. Our main focus has been getting as many house projects completed as we can. We've tiled our master bath and replaced a toilet & shower head. I've put up wallpaper in the kitchen. We've cleaned and organized the garage. The next project we are focusing on is tiling the back splash in the kitchen. If we can get the entry way and utility room tiled we will be in great shape! Oh and new carpet will be going in the 3 bedrooms in the next week or so.
I have so many different ideas about what I want to write about, but I think this is enough for now.
Today was a good day. Was able to get my teeth brushed and flossed, not able to take my vitamins, but did go on a nice 30 minute stroller walk with Riley after dinner.
As I was walking I realized I have missed my blog and was considering continuing my miscarriage history stories. The last one I wrote about was #4, so one of these days I'll write about 5, 6 and 7.
We are now in the process of trying to adopt again. All of our paperwork is in and we have even had a couple of calls with an expectant mom and another who had given birth the evening before. Jeff was able to talk to the first & and talked with the second. Good practice and reminds me that I need to have my questions and thoughts written out on a paper that I keep with me at all times. Slowly but surely we are getting the 3rd bedroom ready for baby #2. Our main focus has been getting as many house projects completed as we can. We've tiled our master bath and replaced a toilet & shower head. I've put up wallpaper in the kitchen. We've cleaned and organized the garage. The next project we are focusing on is tiling the back splash in the kitchen. If we can get the entry way and utility room tiled we will be in great shape! Oh and new carpet will be going in the 3 bedrooms in the next week or so.
I have so many different ideas about what I want to write about, but I think this is enough for now.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Time Marches On....
I LOVE spring! All the colorful flowers everywhere, shorts weather, toobing down rivers, gardening, Fiesta; everything about it seems joyful & filled with hope & new beginnings.
Today was no exception! We began the day lending our support to our friends the Gannaway's as the officially finalized the adoption of their son Yorick. The judge even gave out fiesta pins to everyone!
Also today it became official that every couple in our original orientation (held on 11-11-11) group with Abrazo Adoption Agency has been placed with a child. I am so happy for every single person I met that weekend! Is it weird that I'm feeling....I don't want to say sad...but something....nostalgic?....I don't know....maybe that I'm going to miss our little ///Team\\\.
Today was no exception! We began the day lending our support to our friends the Gannaway's as the officially finalized the adoption of their son Yorick. The judge even gave out fiesta pins to everyone!
Also today it became official that every couple in our original orientation (held on 11-11-11) group with Abrazo Adoption Agency has been placed with a child. I am so happy for every single person I met that weekend! Is it weird that I'm feeling....I don't want to say sad...but something....nostalgic?....I don't know....maybe that I'm going to miss our little ///Team\\\.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Great Helmet Debate
At Riley's 2 month pediatrician appointment Jeff mentioned to the dr that Riley seemed to prefer looking to his right and rarely looked the other way. After some examining she noticed 2 things, first that his neck muscles on the right side of his neck were very tight, making it hard for him to look left & also at he had a significant flat spot on the back, right part of his skull.
She gave us some exercises to do to loosen up hs neck muscles, recommended that we see a physical therapist to help with that as well, and also gave some suggestions on how to encourage R to look and turn his head to the left. She then said she hoped all of this would help reshape his head so the flat spot was not so severe & she would re-evaluate in 2 months. Bu if it didn't seemed to mprove she would recommend he wear a helmet to more aggressively reshape his head.
We immediately started working on all of her suggestions, including seeing a physical therapist. Extreme cases of that neck tightness is called tortocollis, the dr never specifically said R had tortocollis just neck tightness. We actually only saw the physical therapist 3 times after the initial visit. I was hesitant to go to PT the whole time, mainly because R was only 3 months old and I felt a bit silly taking an infant to PT. but in the end I was glad I did, mainly because our therapist totally stroked my parenting ego each time we went. Telling how great Riley was coming along, how he was ahead fo his age, asking me if I worked with little kids because I seemed so comfortable with him for a first time mother. I really don know how much Rily go out of the visits, but I always felt awesome afterward ;)
The therapist recommended we get R evaluated by a helmet company, which we did. They, of course, recommended we go ahead and get him one of their helmets as soon as he turned 4 months. I confessed that I didn't want R to go to PT, and I really, really, really didn't want him to have to wear a helmet.
He would wear this helmet 23 hours a day, 7 days a week for at least a couple of months if not longer, and we would need to get it adjusted at least once a week it not a couple of times a week. I wondered how he would sleep in it, if it would slow down his development milestone wise, how stinky it would get , and if course what other people would think. My mother assured me that it would bother me WAY more than it would bother him. She should know, when I was 6 months old I had to wear some sort of therapy thing to do something to my hips. I learned to crawl & walk I that thing, she's told me all my life. At first it was made of plastic, but I grew so fast they finally made it out of metal and canvas. This one my mom absolutely hated because of the looks people gave her at the grocery store. I on the other hand was pretty much oblivious to it. And to this day don't remember wearing it.
But still I clung to what the therapist told me, that his head seemed to be getting better and possibly by 5 months it would take care of itself. I at least wanted to wait until his 4 month pedi appointment to see what the dr said.....which of course was that she recommend we get it.
After even more feet dragging, humming and hawing about it, we finally made an appointment to get his head digitally scanned so he could make a "band" ( as they call it) just for him.
I should mention the cost of his helmet and where the company is located....$3800 & Austin, TX. Other reasons why I had drug my feet. Jeff was all for it, I was the one with concerns.
An article in people magazine in 2005 demonstrates on way to look at the helmet.,,20148067,00.html
After I read this article I wondered how much research the author actually did for this article. There is no mention of the different types of flatness or different reasons it happens. I also wonder if the author ever wore braces, because honestly I don't see the difference between the helmet & getting braces.
Here are pictures of what e looked like so they could get an accurate scan.
And here are some with him in his helmet, before and after decorating
She gave us some exercises to do to loosen up hs neck muscles, recommended that we see a physical therapist to help with that as well, and also gave some suggestions on how to encourage R to look and turn his head to the left. She then said she hoped all of this would help reshape his head so the flat spot was not so severe & she would re-evaluate in 2 months. Bu if it didn't seemed to mprove she would recommend he wear a helmet to more aggressively reshape his head.
We immediately started working on all of her suggestions, including seeing a physical therapist. Extreme cases of that neck tightness is called tortocollis, the dr never specifically said R had tortocollis just neck tightness. We actually only saw the physical therapist 3 times after the initial visit. I was hesitant to go to PT the whole time, mainly because R was only 3 months old and I felt a bit silly taking an infant to PT. but in the end I was glad I did, mainly because our therapist totally stroked my parenting ego each time we went. Telling how great Riley was coming along, how he was ahead fo his age, asking me if I worked with little kids because I seemed so comfortable with him for a first time mother. I really don know how much Rily go out of the visits, but I always felt awesome afterward ;)
The therapist recommended we get R evaluated by a helmet company, which we did. They, of course, recommended we go ahead and get him one of their helmets as soon as he turned 4 months. I confessed that I didn't want R to go to PT, and I really, really, really didn't want him to have to wear a helmet.
He would wear this helmet 23 hours a day, 7 days a week for at least a couple of months if not longer, and we would need to get it adjusted at least once a week it not a couple of times a week. I wondered how he would sleep in it, if it would slow down his development milestone wise, how stinky it would get , and if course what other people would think. My mother assured me that it would bother me WAY more than it would bother him. She should know, when I was 6 months old I had to wear some sort of therapy thing to do something to my hips. I learned to crawl & walk I that thing, she's told me all my life. At first it was made of plastic, but I grew so fast they finally made it out of metal and canvas. This one my mom absolutely hated because of the looks people gave her at the grocery store. I on the other hand was pretty much oblivious to it. And to this day don't remember wearing it.
But still I clung to what the therapist told me, that his head seemed to be getting better and possibly by 5 months it would take care of itself. I at least wanted to wait until his 4 month pedi appointment to see what the dr said.....which of course was that she recommend we get it.
After even more feet dragging, humming and hawing about it, we finally made an appointment to get his head digitally scanned so he could make a "band" ( as they call it) just for him.
I should mention the cost of his helmet and where the company is located....$3800 & Austin, TX. Other reasons why I had drug my feet. Jeff was all for it, I was the one with concerns.
An article in people magazine in 2005 demonstrates on way to look at the helmet.,,20148067,00.html
After I read this article I wondered how much research the author actually did for this article. There is no mention of the different types of flatness or different reasons it happens. I also wonder if the author ever wore braces, because honestly I don't see the difference between the helmet & getting braces.
Here are pictures of what e looked like so they could get an accurate scan.
And here are some with him in his helmet, before and after decorating
Pardon the Interruption
Please forgive my lapse in blog posts. I blame it all on living in "infant land", where pretty much every moment of my time is spent.....sorry had to step away for a few minutes, had to go feed Mr. Riley, then clean up after him (its avocados this week, nice & smooshie & green - with some going up his nose), then put some clothes in the dryer, and took some turkey out of the freezer for dinner & did some dishes. So that kinda explains my last 5 months! I just put R down for a nap, but can hear him talking away in his room, so not sure how long I will have to write, better get started!
I've read some great articles that I will try & post links to below. I thought all were great and should b read by all new parents. One hung I've found note resting is, even though we had to wait so long for Riley to come to our lives, and I am thankful I can stay at home with him, it's no all peaches and cream. Reading these have made me feel okay with realizing that & helped me appreciate all he great and amazing things that being a stay at home mom brings.

So here's to future venting, getting on my soap box or just sharing funny kid stuff!
I've read some great articles that I will try & post links to below. I thought all were great and should b read by all new parents. One hung I've found note resting is, even though we had to wait so long for Riley to come to our lives, and I am thankful I can stay at home with him, it's no all peaches and cream. Reading these have made me feel okay with realizing that & helped me appreciate all he great and amazing things that being a stay at home mom brings.
So here's to future venting, getting on my soap box or just sharing funny kid stuff!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
And Then There Were Six.....
Are we's really any ones guess, but we got a 2 month old puppy from the Humane Society here in SA, And doing the math, his and Riley's birthdays are pretty close!
Poor Miles was the only dog we had left. We got him as a puppy and he had never been the only dog around, so needless to say he has been lonely! Following us around the house and looking sad and pathetic! Poor guy.
After some discussion Jeff, Riley and I all went to Humane Society....
[ Quick Side Note : I had mentioned to Jeff about taking Riley to have his picture taken with Santa this year. He nixed the idea because "Santa will be just crawling with germs", or something to that effect. I quietly agreed and went on with my day. A week later when the discussion of going to the Humane Society came up, I said we both had to be there to pick out the dog but wondered what we would do with Riley. Jeff was so stoked about the puppy/dog idea he had no qualms what-so-ever with bringing Riley to the animal shelter. A little while later I mentioned the discrepency, and asked if maybe a few years down the line we wouldn't have regrets about not taking Riley to get his pic taken with Santa his first Christmas....he agreed. So tomorrow we go see Santa!]
as soon as we walked into the puppy room there was a cage with 2 brown lab-mix puppies is the first cage we saw. I immediately fell in love, but quickly walked around to the rest of the cages to make sure I saw everyone before making a final decision. And of course these were the cutest ones. There was a boy and girl, and for some reason I told Jeff we should take the boy. He hadn't been neutered yet, so they told us we couldn't pick him up until the following Friday.
This afternoon I stopped by to See him again and ask if there was any way we could bring him home sooner....and low-and-behold he was cleared to be taken him right then. I had an errand to run, but once that was done I immediately went back to pick him up. Didn't have a cage, paperwork or anything.
Good little Coltrane sat in my lap the entire way home (in 5 o'clock traffic none the less).
Of course once we got him home and the reality of a puppy and a 7 week old kicked in...especially when I started wondering what I was going to do when Jeff had to go back to work in a couple of days! Then when Riley started to get fussy and we put Coltrane in his kennel and he started howling loudly I began to freak out! Jeff immediately sent me to the corner store to buy myself some wine....which I obligingly did.
I came home to an empty house with everyone (except Kitty - who had mysteriously disappeared) in the backyard. Apparently Coltrane was howling because he had to go to the bathroom...which he did in the kennel. Jeff noticed when it began to stick and he saw some brown substance on the gate.
By the way - please realize that for now, when I say "kennel", it's actually our cat carrier.
The rest of the night was spent getting Riley for bed, making and eating dinner, and mostly playing with Coltrane in the backyard to wear the poor guy out (which actually worked).
Of course at one point when we brought him inside after playing outside for quite a while, he promptly peed on the bedroom carpet.....why do I see an endless road of cleaning up a lot of pee and poop (human and dog) in my future....
Once we took care of that situation, we slowly coaxed him back into the kennel (he was obviously tired from a big day since he had started to fall asleep on my lap outside).
By 9:00 the house was dark and I was the only one still awake!
Stay tuned for more crazy Lunsford household antics....
Poor Miles was the only dog we had left. We got him as a puppy and he had never been the only dog around, so needless to say he has been lonely! Following us around the house and looking sad and pathetic! Poor guy.
After some discussion Jeff, Riley and I all went to Humane Society....
[ Quick Side Note : I had mentioned to Jeff about taking Riley to have his picture taken with Santa this year. He nixed the idea because "Santa will be just crawling with germs", or something to that effect. I quietly agreed and went on with my day. A week later when the discussion of going to the Humane Society came up, I said we both had to be there to pick out the dog but wondered what we would do with Riley. Jeff was so stoked about the puppy/dog idea he had no qualms what-so-ever with bringing Riley to the animal shelter. A little while later I mentioned the discrepency, and asked if maybe a few years down the line we wouldn't have regrets about not taking Riley to get his pic taken with Santa his first Christmas....he agreed. So tomorrow we go see Santa!]
as soon as we walked into the puppy room there was a cage with 2 brown lab-mix puppies is the first cage we saw. I immediately fell in love, but quickly walked around to the rest of the cages to make sure I saw everyone before making a final decision. And of course these were the cutest ones. There was a boy and girl, and for some reason I told Jeff we should take the boy. He hadn't been neutered yet, so they told us we couldn't pick him up until the following Friday.
This afternoon I stopped by to See him again and ask if there was any way we could bring him home sooner....and low-and-behold he was cleared to be taken him right then. I had an errand to run, but once that was done I immediately went back to pick him up. Didn't have a cage, paperwork or anything.
Good little Coltrane sat in my lap the entire way home (in 5 o'clock traffic none the less).
Of course once we got him home and the reality of a puppy and a 7 week old kicked in...especially when I started wondering what I was going to do when Jeff had to go back to work in a couple of days! Then when Riley started to get fussy and we put Coltrane in his kennel and he started howling loudly I began to freak out! Jeff immediately sent me to the corner store to buy myself some wine....which I obligingly did.
I came home to an empty house with everyone (except Kitty - who had mysteriously disappeared) in the backyard. Apparently Coltrane was howling because he had to go to the bathroom...which he did in the kennel. Jeff noticed when it began to stick and he saw some brown substance on the gate.
By the way - please realize that for now, when I say "kennel", it's actually our cat carrier.
The rest of the night was spent getting Riley for bed, making and eating dinner, and mostly playing with Coltrane in the backyard to wear the poor guy out (which actually worked).
Of course at one point when we brought him inside after playing outside for quite a while, he promptly peed on the bedroom carpet.....why do I see an endless road of cleaning up a lot of pee and poop (human and dog) in my future....
Once we took care of that situation, we slowly coaxed him back into the kennel (he was obviously tired from a big day since he had started to fall asleep on my lap outside).
By 9:00 the house was dark and I was the only one still awake!
Stay tuned for more crazy Lunsford household antics....
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